Mar 12, 2024 | Artist Tips

Why I Quit Social Media As An Artist


Before we begin, I want to address some feedback I received when initially sharing this video and blog. Several individuals questioned my continued presence on social media platforms. While I understand the concern, it’s important to note that I won’t completely vanish from these platforms. I utilize them to promote my Patreon and YouTube channels, which are vital for expanding my audience. Additionally, I have commitments to galleries and collectives I collaborate with, which require me to maintain a certain level of online activity on social media.

In the age of social media, artists have found incredible platforms to showcase their work, connect with fans, and even make a living.

For years, I dedicated my time and energy to building a substantial following of around 500K across various platforms, with my Facebook fan page alone having 396K followers.

However, as 2024 unfolded, I found myself at a crossroads, and after much contemplation, I decided to quit Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other social media platforms.

You might wonder why I decided to stay on YouTube – an exception that might raise some eyebrows. In this blog post, I’ll explain my reasons behind this decision and share my journey with you.

The video below explains many of the same points in this post, if you find watching and listening easier – give it a play!

The Frustration of Dwindling Engagement

One of the primary reasons I decided to quit social media is the frustrating decline in engagement.

Despite having a substantial following, my posts on platforms like Facebook often reach only a fraction of my audience.

Typically ranging from 10 to 60 people, and even when I posted something that gained more attention, it rarely went beyond a couple of hundred likes. This diminishing return on my time investment left me feeling discouraged and disheartened.

Embracing the Evergreen Power of YouTube

The one social media platform I chose to stick with is YouTube, and here’s why: YouTube offers something that most other platforms don’t – evergreen content and monetization.

Unlike other social media where your posts can quickly get lost in the constant stream of new content, YouTube videos have the potential to stick around and be discovered by new audiences years later.

To illustrate this, some videos I created a decade ago are still attracting viewers and engagement. I initially started a YouTube channel ten years ago but didn’t invest much time in it until about a year ago, and I’m thrilled with the results, the community, and the monetization opportunities it offers.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

Tutorials and How-to Guides:

These types of videos or articles provide valuable information that remains relevant over time. For instance, a video on “How to Paint Realistic Portraits” will continue to be useful to aspiring artists for years.

Historical Explainers:

Content that delves into historical events, figures, or concepts tends to remain evergreen. An article about “The Renaissance Art Movement” will maintain its relevance and interest.

Product Reviews:

Reviews of products or services, such as “The Best Watercolor Paints for Beginners,” stay valuable as long as the products themselves are available.


Non-Evergreen Content:

News and Current Events:

Content related to current news, trends, or events quickly becomes outdated. For example, a post about a specific political debate in 2020 loses relevance as time passes.

Seasonal Content:

Anything tied to a specific season or holiday, such as “Top Gifts for Christmas 2021,” becomes irrelevant once that season or holiday has passed.

Temporary Trends:

Content-based on fleeting trends, memes, or challenges, like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” or a dance challenge that’s popular for a short period, loses its relevance as the trend fades away.

Valuable vs Shorter-Lifespan

Remember, the key difference is that evergreen content remains valuable and applicable to your audience over an extended period, while non-evergreen content has a shorter lifespan and becomes less relevant as time goes on.

The Burden of Chasing Trends

Another factor contributing to my decision to quit traditional social media is the constant pressure to chase trends, search for trending sounds, and do almost anything to stay relevant.

This includes posting multiple times a day, creating reels, and stories, and maintaining interactions with numerous accounts, all of which can consume hours each day.

However, the rewards are often minimal – a few likes and some subscribers. I’ve come to realize that likes and follows do not necessarily translate into meaningful sales and many times, people engage with content but never return to the page.

The Value of YouTube

YouTube, on the other hand, offers a more sustainable approach. While it still requires time and effort, the content you create has a lasting impact.

As you continue to build your channel, each video becomes a building block that helps you grow over time. This isn’t the case with most other social media platforms, where content has a shorter shelf life.

Starting Your Own YouTube Channel

If you’re considering starting a YouTube channel, I encourage you to weigh the time and investment involved. While I had experience in video production, graphic design, and SEO through my work at Rise Visible, a website design, SEO, and digital marketing agency, newcomers can also find success with the right research and dedication.

There are countless resources available to guide you through the process of starting and growing a YouTube channel.

Here are a couple videos below:

Connect with Me on YouTube and Patreon

As I embark on this new phase of my online presence, you can find me on YouTube and Patreon. Patreon is a fantastic platform that allows creators to connect with their audience, monetize their content, and ensure that followers see their posts without being lost in the algorithms of other platforms.

I’ll be sharing exclusive content on Patreon, including my latest paintings, work-in-progress updates, studio insights, behind-the-scenes content, videos, classes, and more.

While there are paid tiers with exciting rewards, there’s also an option to join for free, making it accessible to all.

This was the Best Decision!

This decision has been one of the best choices of my life. It has granted me a sense of freedom and authenticity in my connections with those who genuinely want to follow my work. Most importantly, it has allowed me to reclaim precious time that I can now invest in my studio, where my true passion lies.

Even if quitting social media isn’t the right move for everyone, I encourage you to consider reevaluating how you spend your time and reducing the chase for algorithms’ favor.

Focus on a platform or approach that genuinely gives back to you in a way that aligns with your goals and values. In doing so, you may find the same sense of fulfillment and productivity that I’ve experienced since making this transformative decision.

My Conclusion

In conclusion, my decision to quit most social media platforms as an artist in 2024 was driven by the diminishing returns, the burden of chasing trends, and the desire for more evergreen content.

YouTube, with its unique ability to offer lasting value, stood out as the exception to the rule. If you’re an artist or content creator contemplating your own social media strategy, I hope my journey and reasoning have provided valuable insights.

Remember, the online world is ever-evolving, and finding the right path for you may require experimentation and adaptation. Ultimately, your creativity and dedication will shine through, regardless of the platform you choose.